Thanks for visiting my blog! MudBay Musings chronicles creative journeys, with inspiration and humor I find along the way... including my mother's and my artwork, stories, local bird life and garden favorites...
all of which I hope will bring a smile to your heart.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day

In honor of Mother’s Day, here two of my favorite pictures of my lovely mother, Jo.

I love the picture of her doing crafts while I’m resting on the table. This epitomizes her easy-going, artistic nature. What an adventure it was growing up immersed in all things crafty and fun! And the picture of us lazing on the dock in the summertime...does life get any better than that?

Thanks, Mom for being such a wonderful mother, amazing example and best friend for the past fifty years. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!


Linda said...

What lovely photos of the two of you! We're so fortunate to have been blessed with such mothers!

Lyneen said...

No wonder you have all your tallent... you started before your eyes were open...